Cemetery Records


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Cemetery Records

        Daniel Frielinghaus is buried in Fairmount Cemetery on Central Avenue in Newark, New Jersey. The location is Section H, Lot No. 134, a family plot under the name Theurer. This plot was purchased by Ann M. Theurer (soon to be Mary Frielinghaus) on September 11, 1866. In the first grave is Jacob Theurer, age 38, interned on September 16, 1865. He was originally buried in Section Adult-1 and then re-buried. In the second grave is Daniel Frielinghaus, age 50, interned on August 23, 1873. The third grave is occupied by Maria Frielinghaus, age 47, interned on April 9, 1875. The fourth grave has a Minnie A. Eckert, age 28, interned on August 19, 1880. Also interned in the fourth grave are the ashes of Annette Maxwell, age 76. The strange thing is she was interned on July 27, 1953.

In the remarks section of the cemetery card is the following:

Mr. R. H. Maxwell-husband of Annette
421 Cookman Ave. Asbury Park, NJ
Letter returned May, 1968
“moved, left no address”

also, 8/77 Gate posts/Step Stone buried back of Monument



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