John Harrison


Up Edward William Mathais Silas John Harrison A. R.Nichols

February 26, 1862 - November 18, 1933

        John Harrison Nichols was born in Cascade, Maryland and died in Hagerstown, Maryland.  He married Mary Elizabeth Boward on August 18, 1885 in the Zion Reformed Church in Hagerstown, Maryland.  At one time they lived at 903 Rose Hill Avenue in Hagerstown.  John H's occupation was listed as a painter on his death certificate.  He died of myocarditis and aortic insufficiency for which he had been treated for three years.  Acute pulmonary edema caused by aortic insufficiency was the immediate cause of death.  Both John H. and Mary Nichols are buried in the Rest Haven Cemetery, just north of Hagerstown, Maryland on Route 11.

Mary Elizabeth Boward Nichols - 1915

Photo & Article of Mary Elizabeth Boward Nichols age 84
Article of Mary Elizabeth Boward Nichols - age 85

Obituary of Mary Elizabeth Boward Nichols - May 28, 1956


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