Births/Christenings - Elberfeld, Rheinland, Preussen


Up Births/Christenings - Haan bei Duesseldorf, Rheinland, Preussen Births/Christenings - Elberfeld, Rheinland, Preussen Births/Christenings - Koeln, Rheinland, Preussen Births/Christenings - Lendersdorf-Krauthausen Births/Christenings - Much, Rheinland, Preussen Births/Christenings - Sankt Toenis, Rheinland, Preussen Births/Christenings - Solingen, Rheinland, Preussen


Elberfeld, Rheinland, Preussen


Child C/B Date Father Mother
KULL, Peter Engelbert Chr 1778 Engelb. KULL Elisab. LANG



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